Tuesday, September 17, 2019

It's NOT just your child

I had to threaten David with losing video games to get this photo. #TruthBomb

See this picture above? I love this photo. This photo can give you the illusion that my children are well behaved and love each other..... ALL THE TIME. 
Nope. Not even close. David loves to ruin my photos. Right before I took this photo I said to him, "If you ruin this picture with your jokes, you will lose all video games for a week!!"  I didn't say it as nicely as typing it out makes me look. Just being honest. We've all been there?? right?? or is it just me? It's just me. My kids are the worst! 


There is nothing worse than looking at your child's behavior and thinking, "My child is the worst one here." 

The fact is, we've all thought that at times. As an older mom, I've been through it. I have two adult children and also two younger children. 
What wisdom has that gained me?? 
Not much, however, It has shown me few things. I find these things freeing...so I'm going to share. 

When you look at someones child and think that your child isn't "As well behaved.", * That's a lie. 
When you think that someone else's child is more helpful. * That's a lie. 
When you think that you're the worst mom. *That's a lie. 
When you think that you're not enjoying being a mom like other moms. *That's a lie. 
When you think your teenager is the worst. * That's a lie. 
When you think your child's sinful behavior is because of you. * That's a lie. 

"The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." 
John 10:10

Here is what I've realized...... you ready??? 

No matter how great of a parent, no matter what you feed them, No matter how involved you are.....

We are still raising little humans, who are sinners. 

I can't tell you how many times I've seen a mom in the store with a screaming, tantrum-taking child and she looks so embarrassed. I've heard moms say, "I can't stand when people stare.". I usually tell the moms, "We're just happy it isn't our child, THIS TIME.". 

IF you see a mom in a store, and her child is screaming.... Teach your children NOT To stare. I've told Sarah and David NOT to look. I explained to them that the mom is embarrassed enough, she doesn't need anyone else making her feel uncomfortable. I also explained to them that they are to ignore it as if they don't hear anything. It's a good way to teach some selfcontrol, because every fiber of our body wants to turn our head and find the screaming child. They're both pretty good at it. I will sometimes whisper, "turn your heads and ignore" if I see them doing that. This applies also for the screaming child in church. The parents are aware of their noisey child. In fact, being at church probably maginifies this. No need to turn your head. No need to let that parent know that their noise maker is bothering you. They KNOW!!! 

Next time you see a mom having a hard time...give her some words of encouragement. 
Even if you had great children who never took a tantrum, be compassionate. 

When you see a mom and you think, "She has it all together."...she doesn't. We never have it "All together.". The only difference between me when I was younger and me now?? I don't let it bother me. I don't make excuses...I just accept and deal with my child's imperfections. Then when we're home, I address or deal with the issue. 

We need to encourage each other, Love each other and Bless each other!!! 

Live your life abundantly!! Don't let the enemy steal your joy. Enjoy your imperfections and enjoy helping and encouraging other imperfect moms!! There is nothing more exciting and joyful than to encourage another mom, who is in the trenches with you. You can lift each other up and rise above all these shallow worries. 

"The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." 
John 10:10

Love Abundantly, 

Laura (Imperfect wife, mother and follower of Christ) 

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