Thursday, August 4, 2016

2016 - 2017 School Year!

Here we are again, another school year. Every year I feel more and more blessed to be able to homeschool my children. I don't have an over abundance of patience, I'm not "Super mom", I'm not even close to perfect. Some how the Lord uses all of my imperfections and theirs to make up our imperfect , but lovable home. 

I look forward to our mornings together. I look forward to when David pretends not to know something but really does. He loves to see the look of shock on my face when I realize that he knew it. I love when Sarah reads something and says, "Hey ma! Did you know that..." 

All of it brings joy to me. Watching them learn something new, watching them play about what they're learning. Watching them becoming more and more independent, asking more questions. It all fits together so perfectly. Even with the spilled milk, markers all over, beads I slip on and toy cars in every crevice , I love it. 

This year we're using ACE , Accelerated Christian Education for 3rd grade, and their 1st grade curriculum. Sarah loves this curriculum. She loves the independence and it shows even more this year. David is suppose to go into kindergarten this year, but I put him into their 1st grade program. He picked up all the phonograms when he was 4 years old because of Sarah's curriculum back then. I had no idea the kid was learning so much just from the games. 

I have also found a great "Classical" Curriculum called Claritas Press. This is an amazing curriculum that we are doing along with ACE. I wasn't sure if we'd be able to do all of it but so far, we've been able to keep up.

Claritas Publishing has produced a classical curriculum ( with accompanying musical memory work) that is wonderful and very affordable. Other organizations insist that you join an expensive co-op. You can use Claritas at home. If you do want to do this as a co-op, they don't charge you!!! I started using this over the summer and have been very impressed with it. There is also an online tool for $3.97 a month at  and you get full access to what every cycle you want. They have 4 cycles. We started with Cycle 1, which is Creation to the Fall of Rome.
Cycle 2 is the Middle Ages
Cycle 3 is Early Modern Times
Cycle 4 is the Modern Era

For supplies, check out Claritas Publishing
For each Cycle we have Latin, Scripture, Hymn, Math, English, History, Timeline & Geography. You really can NOT beat this curriculum

Thank you Ladies. Thank you for making a Classical Education easy, affordable and possible at home. 

Have a great school year!! 
The Paulsen Family


  1. Thank you for the encouraging word! May you have a blessed school year!

    1. Thank you for making this available to us all over the homeschooling community!!!


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