Monday, May 7, 2018

Homeschooling: Not All is Perfect

I haven't blogged in a long time. For those that don't know, we moved from NY to NC last February. I love NC. Homeschooling here is so much easier and the numbers are so high, we're actually in the majority !! 

That brings me to my topic for this blog:

Whether you homeschool or send your child to conventional/private schools, each choice has it's benefits and....problems. That includes homeschooling. There, I said it!! Out loud!! Homeschooling, while a great choice and I LOVE IT, has it's problems, or potential problems. 

It's time that moms and fellow homeschoolers discuss these issues OPENLY. I certainly don't feel judged but i'm sure there are many that do. We can't help each other with these issues if we don't discuss them. 

My issue that I'm going to tackle today is "Screen Time". So many moms confide that they let their children play video games and watch tv but do so secretly. Why?? Why all the secrecy?? 

Homeschooled children are NOT sitting down , memorizing, or doing any work for 8 hours a day. Here's a little secret for you. Neither are the children in school!! A class of 15 or more takes an INCREDIBLE amount of organizing, no matter what the age. A teacher is NOT teaching 8 hours a day. 

That said, as a homeschool mom, I DO Let my children play video games and watch tv. I said it!! Out LOUD!!! I don't give them free range over these but I do let them play. 

The down-time with homeschooling is actually one of the reasons I love it. When Sarah's bored, she writes a story or works on her gymnastics. David builds planes and castles with his legos and saves the world. There are times my home is so quiet because they're working on one of their free-time projects that I wonder if there are kids in the home at all. Ok , Ok, Truth is, that's few and far between. 

On a boring ,rainy day, I do let my kids watch tv...sometimes I make popcorn and watch with them. 

There's nothing like cuddling on a rainy day with your children to realize what a blessed life you live. 

Whether you allow or don't allow TV or Video games, be secure in your decision. You are not alone, if you struggle with these. As moms we have to learn to go with our gut and trust our decisions. Lets also respect other's decisions so that no one is hiding in the closet of motherhood. 

What are some other issues you want to discuss openly?? 

God Bless, 

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