Saturday, November 8, 2008


Catchy title, eh?
I'm really enjoying Sarah. She has a smile that can melt butter and she glows when she smiles. She wakes up smiling...even when she' s hungry..she smiles while i'm changing her diaper.She smiles in her bath. She's going on 3 months old...what a fun age. This is also the time when I start letting them cry to soothe themselves at night. I'm not looking forward to it but it's necesary.
She is trying to sit up...which is funny because although she does much better holding her head up...she's still not holding it up all the time. I laugh when she tightens up her tummy muscles in an attempt to sit up. How cute.
She drools like a faucet. What's up with all the drool? There has to be some use for it? I wonder? We could bottle it and see if there is a use for baby drool. She produces about a gallon a day. I have to change her clothing and mine through out the day. sheesh. People ask me..."OH is she sleeping through the night yet? "...I'd be happy if she learned how to swallow her spit...I can wait on sleeping through the night.
Regardless...she is adorable and i'm enjoying her! My house is a mess, but I'm enjoying her. I'm behind in my laundry...but i'm enjoying her. LOL
I'd like to get back to the gym...hopefully I'll get back soon. My biggest problem is that Sarah doesn't like the bottle. I was pumping and stock piling my milk. Seriously...I could sell it and make a fortune. Rob gave Sarah a bottle with my milk in it...nope she didn't like it. She furrowed her brow at her father as if to say.."What the heck? Did you really think you'd fool me with this?" "Oh you're gonna try it again? Ok, I'm gonna gag and puke on you...ha ha". Ok, so perhaps i'm exaggerating...but she didn't like it one bit!! So what's a mother to do? I'm gonna go to the store and spend a small fortune on all sorts of different bottles in the hopes of finding one with a nipple that pleases my spoiled baby.
Someone mentioned to me.."Oh you should've given her a bottle when she was younger."...Oh thats nice. I was too busy helping my husband who was in excrutiating pain.. I love when people tell me what I should'a done.

In Christ,

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